My Town in Black & White
Living in a small town, the amount of things you can take photos of are limited. I unfortunately don't get enough time to myself to really explore and take more photos of the back streets, so I'm limited to the places that are easiest for me to get to with a toddler. I find myself taking photos of the same streets, the same parks and the same beach. Occasionally I'll take a slightly different route, but taking a different path every time we go out isn't sustainable, and my toddler is only good in the pram for about 20 minutes before the itch to get out of the pram and ruckus gets overwhelming, and a tantrum ensues.
The challenge for me, is to take the ordinary and every day stuff and find new ways of looking at it. This week I took out a different camera, my Canon 200Dii. As someone who isn't the biggest fan of traditiona; digital photography, I'll often leave this camera at home, and grab my more experiment Fuji Evo Mini, or a film camera. But I figured, since I bought the Canon, it's a giant waste if it just sits in my cupboard, and there are perks to a good digital camera. For this series I used the grainy B&W filter and left the settings on auto. Overall, I'm really happy with how the photos turned out.
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